W Polsce dzieje się coś bardzo złego
Dostaję od polskich rodziców coraz więcej informacji o coraz częstszych, ciężkich, tragicznych w skutkach powikłaniach poszczepiennych u niemowląt. Podejrzewam, że w Polsce nielegalnie i bez zgody rodziców na wielką skalę testuje się na niemowlętach nowe szczepionki z bardzo toksycznymi adjuwantami. Pisałam o nich wcześniej, że powodują masywna burzę cytokin prozapalnych w organizmie, prowadząc m.in. do ostrego zapalenia mózgu ze wszystkimi tego tragicznymi konsekwencjami - autyzmem, padaczką, upośledzeniem umysłowym, udarami i obrzękami mózgu, niedotlenieniem, zgonami. Adjuwanty te mogą znajdować się w każdej szczepionce.
Poniżej dowody, że w Polsce testuje się nowe szczepionki dla koncernów farmaceutycznych. Pytanie, czy wszyscy rodzice dzieci, które brały udział w tych testach, wiedzieli o tym i zdawali sobie sprawę z możliwości tragicznych powikłań szczepień. Podejrzewam, że nie. Prawdopodobne, że wyniki tych tajnych testów wcale nie są publikowane. Sytuacja może przypominać zabicie parę lat temu testowymi szczepionkami kilkunastu bezdomnych Polaków w Grudziądzu. Powinien tym się zająć jakiś reporter śledczy.
prof. Dorota Majewska
Vaccine. 2010 Nov 16;28(49):7779-86. Epub 2010 Sep 28.
Randomised, controlled trial of concomitant pneumococcal and meningococcal conjugate vaccines.
Wysocki J, Tansey S, Brachet E, Baker S, Gruber W, Giardina P, Arora A.
Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland.
A randomised, open-label study compared the immunogenicity and safety of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) and meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (MnCC vaccine) administered concomitantly and individually. Infants received PCV7+MnCC vaccine (n=265), PCV7 alone (n=268) or MnCC vaccine alone (n=178). PCV7 was administered at 2, 3½, 6 and 12 months, and MnCC vaccine at 2, 6 and 12 months. For the 7 pneumococcal serotypes tested (4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F), proportions of subjects with pneumococcal serotype-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody concentrations ≥0.35 μg/mL post-infant series were non-inferior for the PCV7+MnCC vaccine (91.5-99.6%) and PCV7 (89.0-99.6%) groups. Proportions of subjects achieving serogroup C meningococcal serum bactericidal assay titres ≥1:8 post-infant series were non-inferior for the PCV7+MnCC vaccine (99.6%) and MnCC vaccine groups (98.8%). Pneumococcal IgG antibody levels were similar in the PCV7+MnCC vaccine and PCV7 groups at each time point. Post-infant and post-toddler meningococcus C serum bactericidal assay titres and IgG levels were similar in the PCV7+MnCC vaccine and MnCC groups, although pre-toddler, the levels were lower in the PCV7+MnCC vaccine group than the MnCC vaccine group. Immune response rates to diphtheria antigen approached 100% for all vaccine groups. Local reactions were mostly similar among the treatment groups. The MnCC vaccine group had lower rates of some systemic events than the PCV7+MnCC vaccine group. Immune responses to PCV7+MnCC vaccine were non-inferior compared with those seen with each vaccine administered alone.
Med Sci Monit. 2010 Aug 7;16(9):CR433-9.
Immunization against influenza during the 2005/2006 epidemic season and the humoral response in children with diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Romanowska M, Banaszkiewicz A, Nowak I, Radzikowski A, Brydak LB.
Department of Influenza Research, National Influenza Center, National Institute of Public Health-National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland. nic@pzh.gov.pl
Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who are treated long-term with immunosuppressive drugs can experience a decrease in their overall resistance to infections, including influenza. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the humoral response in children with IBD after being vaccinated against influenza.
Children with IBD were vaccinated with split inactivated vaccine. They were divided into 2 groups: children treated with anti-inflammatory medications and children treated with 5-acetylsalicylic acid along with immunomodulatory therapy. Antihemagglutinin (anti-HA) and antineuraminidase (anti-NA) antibodies were assessed before vaccination and 1 and 6 months after vaccination.
Anti-HA and anti-NA antibodies 1 and 6 months after vaccination were higher than before vaccination. In the patients treated with anti-inflammatory medications, the protection rate (PR) attained the highest level for antigens A/H1N1 and B 6 months after vaccination. However, for A/H3N2 the result was 88.9% at 1 and 6 months after vaccination. In the patients who received immunomodulatory medications, the highest PR was noted 6 months after vaccination (47.6-90.5%). The response rate (RR) in patients who were treated with the anti-inflammatory medications alone remained the same 1 and 6 months after vaccination. In patients who received the immunomodulatory regimen, the highest RR was recorded 6 months after vaccination (47.6-76.2%).
Response to vaccination was satisfactory, although not for all vaccine antigens, especially in patients treated with immunomodulatory medications. The higher levels of RP and RR 6 months after vaccination compared with 1 month after vaccination lends support to the argument that IBD patients should be vaccinated as soon as vaccine is available in a season.
Koncerny farmaceutyczne powinny testować na sobie!Nasze babcie nie były szczepione i dożyły 100 lat lub więcej,jedyną chorobą mojej babci był katar i leczyła go mlekiem z miodem i wyciągiem z kwiatu lipowego.Dożyliśmy niestety "ciekawych czasów"